Ascriva ICD10-CM App for iPhone and iPad


ICD-10-CM is the classification system used to code diagnoses and reasons for healthcare encounters in the United States. The Ascriva ICD-10-CM app for iPhone and iPad is designed to rapidly find, save and share billable ICD-10-CM codes. The app supports both browsing and smart searching of ICD-10-CM. Create a 'Favorites' library of named code groups containing codes that you frequently use. View the official ICD-10-CM coding notes and guidelines. Automatically search the Web for additional information about an ICD-10-CM code or diagnosis. Since its release in October 2017, the Ascriva ICD-10-CM app has been used by thousands of health professionals in over 40 countries around the world.


Ascriva ICD-10-CM Screen Shots


Navigate through the ICD-10-CM hierarchy to find billable diagnosis codes. View ICD-10-CM Chapters, Blocks, Sections and Codes. Billable codes are clearly marked. When you find a billable ICD-10-CM code, view the official coding guidance notes, copy the code to the clipboard, share the code, add the code to your Favorites library or search the Web for additional information about that ICD-10-CM code or diagnosis. 

Code Tables

Create multi-page PDF tables of billable ICD-10-CM codes and associated descriptors from any Favorites group. Tables may be printed, copied, saved, shared and emailed from with the app.


Rapidly search ICD-10-CM using text or codes. The app automatically maps most commonly used medical words to the terms used by ICD-10-CM. From the search results list you may browse to more specific codes,  view official coding guidance notes, copy a code to the clipboard, share a code, add a code to your 'Favorites' library,  or search the Web for additional information about an ICD-10-CM code or diagnosis.

Dark Mode

Supports iOS Dark Mode using a finely tuned interface.  Go to iOS Settings > Display & Brightness > Appearance to activate this feature.


Easily add ICD-10-CM codes to your Favorites library for future use. Organize your saved ICD-10-CM codes as named groups within the library. View the official coding guidance notes for any saved code. Share your Favorites with colleagues. Rename, delete or edit Favorites groups. Share your Favorites library with other iOS devices. Use the share Favorites feature to keep your iPhone and iPad copies of the app in sync.

Official Coding Advice

View the official coding advice for any billable code to assist you in choosing the correct code(s). Provides in-app access to the official ICD-10-CM Coding Guideline documents. 

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about the Ascriva ICD-10-CM App

  • What is ICD-10-CM?
    • The International Classification of Diseases, Revision 10, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) is a classification system used to code medical diagnoses and reasons for healthcare encounters in the United States. ICD-10-CM is maintained and updated by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) (under authorization by the The World Health Organization) at the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You can learn more about ICD-10-CM here.
  • How often is ICD-10-CM Updated?
    • ICD-10-CM is updated twice each U.S. financial year (October 1 through September 30). A major update is released each October 1 and a minor update released April 1. The Financial Year 2025 version of ICD-10-CM codes is valid from October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025.
  • What version of ICD-10-CM does the current Ascriva ICD-10-CM app include?
    • As of October 1, 2024 the app uses the ICD-10-CM 2025 codes - valid until September 30, 2025.
  • What iOS devices does the Ascriva ICD-10-CM app support?
    • The app will install on any iPhone or iPad running iOS version 15 or later.
  • Where can I get the Ascriva ICD-10-CM app?
    • From the Apple App Store - here
  • Does the Ascriva ICD-10-CM app support Dark Mode?
    • Yes. Version 2.7 of the app, released May 2020, added support for Dark Mode.
  • Is there a comprehensive guide to using the Ascriva ICD-10-CM app?
    • Yes. The app contains a built-in quick start guide. Simply tap the help icon at the bottom of the app screen to view the guide.
  • Does the app support the official ICD-10-CM coding notes and guidelines?
    • Yes. Many ICD-10-CM billable codes have official coding notes to assist you in choosing appropriate billing codes. The app will automatically display the following official ICD-10-CM coding note types: Includes, Excludes, Code First, Use Additional. The app also include a brief explanation of each note type. The app also supports viewing and searching the full text of the official CMS ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines.
  • How Do I Use the the Ascriva ICD-10-CM app?
    • The app has been designed for ease of use. Use the code browser or the code search feature to find the code(s) that you need. Codes in ICD-10-CM are of 2 types - Billable Codes and Non-Billable Codes. Only Billable Codes can be used for diagnosis, reporting and billing purposes. Non-Billable codes are included in ICD-10-CM to help structure the overall coding system. For example, the code 'Type 2 diabetes mellitus with kidney complications (E11.2)' is not a Billable Code. It is included in ICD-10-CM to serve as a parent term for 3 Billable Codes:
      • Type 2 diabetes mellitus with kidney complications E11.2 - Not a Billable Code
        • Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy E11.21 - Billable
        • Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease E11.22 - Billable
        • Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic kidney complications E11.29 -Billable
  • How Do I Distinguish Billable and Non-Billable ICD-10-CM Codes?
    • The app does it for you! Billable Codes are always colored Green and Non-Billable Codes are always colored Red. If you have difficulty distinguishing red and green, look for a bullet character "•" just before the code of Non-Billable Codes, e.g. 'Type 2 diabetes mellitus with kidney complications • E11.2'. Only Billable Codes can be added to your Favorites library or exported to other applications.
  • How Do I Search ICD-10-CM using the app?
    • Tap the 'Search' icon at the bottom of the screen. Enter the first few characters of one or more of the words that you are searching for and then tap the 'Search' key on the on-screen keyboard. The App will display a list of matching codes.  For example,  if you want to find codes related to 'Atrial Fibrillation',  type 'atr fib' or 'fibril' and tap the 'Search' key. Word order and case are ignored by the search engine. The search results display both Billable Codes and Non-Billable codes so that you can browse from Non-Billable Codes in the search results to find related Billable Codes.
  • Can I search for an ICD-10-CM Code?
    • Yes. To search for a code, just enter the code. For example to search for the code 'J45.2' enter 'J45.2' and tap the search key. To find all of the codes that begin with 'J45' enter 'J45.' (note the period at the end of the code). If a code search does not find the code that you searched for try entering the code with a period character at the end of the code - e.g. 'J45.2.' (note the period).
  • I didn't find the code(s) that I was looking for when searching. What should I do?
    • Invoke the app's Deep Search Mode by running the search again with a question mark '?' at the end of the query. For example, entering 'rheumatic?' would find codes containing “rheumatic” and 'nonrheumatic'. The app will search for the characters you entered anywhere in it's database. Another option is switching to Browse Mode: find the chapter that you think should contain the diagnosis you are looking for and browse from that chapter through the ICD-10-CM hierarchy.
  • Can I see my code search history?
    • Yes, just tap the magnifying glass icon in the search field to view the last 99 search queries that you entered. Select a search query from the list to copy it to the search field. Select 'Erase Search History' to clear the search history list from the app's database.
  • I Found the Code That I Need. Now What?
    • When you tap on a Billable Code (color-coded green) information about that code is displayed. To share the code just tap the menu icon in the top right of the screen and select the 'Share this Code' option. You will be presented with options for sharing the code. For example, you can copy the code and then paste it into another app on your iPhone or iPad. You can also send the code to yourself, or someone else, using Airdrop, Mail or the Message app. You can also add the code to other applications that you have set up to share.
  • What are ICD-10-CM Coding Notes?
    • ICD-10-CM codes may include official Coding Notes. The app will display any associated coding notes for a selected billable code. These notes are created by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), two departments within the U.S. Federal Government’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The notes are provided as guidelines for coding and reporting using the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM). These guidelines have been approved by the four organizations that make up the Cooperating Parties for the ICD-10-CM: the American Hospital Association (AHA), the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), CMS, and NCHS. In the United States Adherence to these guidelines when assigning ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes is required under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). 
  • Does the Ascriva ICD-10-CM App Support ICD-10-CM Coding Notes?
    • Yes. As of version 2.4 (released in August 2019) the app displays the official CMS ICD-10-CM Code Guidance Notes for billable codes. Not all codes contain such notes. The app will display the following note types (when available): Includes Notes; Type 1 Excludes Notes; Type 2 Excludes Notes; Code First/Use Additional Notes. These notes are displayed for the ICD-10-CM code being viewed. The app may also display the code notes for the blocks and sections containing the displayed code.
  • Can I Save Codes for Future Use?
    • Absolutely! The ICD-10-CM app allows you to create a personal library of Favorite codes within the app. Simply tap the 'Add to Favorites' button on the Code Information screen. You will be prompted to add the code to an existing named group or create a new named group. You can create as many named Favorites Groups as  you wish.
  • What Can I Do With My Saved Favorites Codes?
    • Anything that you can do with a found code (see answer above) can also be done with a code that you have saved to your Favorites library. In addition, from the Favorites display you can view the contents of named Favorites groups, rename groups, delete groups and copy saved codes between groups. You can also edit a group to remove codes, if you wish. Groups of Favorite codes can also be shared with others app, sent via Mail or Message, or pasted into other apps.
  • Can I Print ICD-10-CM Codes?
    • Yes! When viewing a Favorites group, tap on the menu icon and select 'Share as PDF…' to display a preview of a formatted PDF Code Table. Each row in the table contains an ICD-10-CM code and its associated descriptor. Each Code Table page can display up to 12 rows of codes and the PDF document can consist of multiple pages, if needed. Page numbers are included. The header area of each Code Table page will display the name of the group containing the codes. Tap the Share icon to see the available options. From the share options Code Tables can be printed to an AirPrint-enabled printer on the same network as your iPhone or iPad. 
  • Can I Save or Share PDF Code Tables?
    • Yes! In addition to printing, PDF Code Table documents can be saved to the Files app on your device, shared (via AirDrop, Mail, Messages or installed apps) and copied to to the clipboard. 
  • Can I share a Favorites Library with the Ascriva ICD-10-CM app running on a different iOS device?
    • Yes, you can Airdrop a copy of the app's Favorites library to another iOS device containing the app. You will be prompted to either replace the receiving app's Favorites library with the shared library or merge the groups and codes in the shared library with the groups and codes in the receiving app's Favorites library. See the 'Help' section of the app for additional information about this feature.
  • I previously used Ascriva's ICD-10-CM 2024 app and saved codes to the Favorites Library. Now that I am using the ICD-10-CM 2025 app version how do I know that my saved codes are valid 2025 billing codes?
    • Use the 'Verify Favorites Library' command in the Favorites Options menu. Select this menu item and the app will verify that all of the codes saved in your Favorites Library are valid 2025 billing codes. Any codes revised in the 2025 version of ICD-10-CM will be updated. Any codes deleted from the 2025 version of ICD-10-CM will be removed from your Favorites Library.
  • How Do I Get Additional Information About a Code?
    • From the Code Information display tap the menu icon in the top right corner of the screen. Select either 'Search the Web for this code' or 'Search the Web for this Term'. The former is usually the best way to get additional information about the use of a particular ICD-10-CM code. The latter option is a good way to find information about the diagnosis represented by the code.
  • Can I See Where a Code Exists Within the ICD-10-CM Hierarchy?
    • Yes! In the Code Info view tap the menu icon in the top right corner of the screen then select 'View the Path to this ICD-10-CM Code' option. This will display the location of the code within the ICD-10-CM hierarchy. Viewing your location can be a helpful way to learn how ICD-10-CM is structured.
  • Does the Ascriva ICD-10-CM App Contain Advertisements?
    • No! We do not use advertising to support the App.
  • Are In-App Purchases Needed to Access Features of the App?
    • No! All features of the app are available to you once purchased from the App Store.
  • Does the Ascriva ICD-10-CM App Track Me?
    • No. The app does not track you or collect any information about how you use the app. The app is supported entirely by the App Store price.
  • I Have a Question That is Not Answered Here. What Should I Do?


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